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Force timer

Disable manual mode in Workspace Settings so users can't add time manually.

While Force timer is enabled, users:

  • CAN create new entries using only timer (manual mode is disabled)
  • CAN add time entries via the Auto Tracker
  • CAN delete existing entries (unless locked or approved)
  • CAN change entry's description, project/task, tag, and billable status (unless locked or approved)
  • CAN'T change start time of a running timer
  • CAN'T change start/end time and duration of an existing time entry
  • CAN'T duplicate an entry

Restriction applies to all users, including Admins. Admins can't add time manually through the Time Tracker, but they can add time for others (including themselves) via the Detailed report.

Team managers can add/edit time for their team members if enabled in Settings.

Force timer is an extra feature, which you can enable by upgrading your workspace to Pro or Enterprise plan. You can try out the feature for free by activating the free 7-day trial (no credit card required).

Assigning groups to projects

Groups make managing people on projects easy. When people change teams or leave the company often, you don't have to go through each project and remove them - all you have to do is remove them from the group.

You can add users to groups on the Team page, and then allocate the group to a project.

To assign a group to a project:

  1. Go to a project
  2. Click Access tab
  3. Click + Add members
  4. Select the group

Once you assign a group, everyone that belongs to that group will immediately have access to the project.

You can filter reports by a group. For example, you can make a Developers group, and use the group as a filter to see only what your developers work on (and later, group the report by User to see the time breakdown for each developer). You can also simply group the Summary report by Group and see a breakdown for each group.